Monday, April 24, 2017

Gunman shot dead

"The suspect, who was shot dead by French police, was on the radar of the French domestic security service DGSI, the source said.
The man was a French national who shot two officers in 2001 after being stopped by a police car, the source said. He was taken into custody but while being questioned grabbed another officer's gun and shot him three times. He was convicted in that attack and had a criminal record because of involvement in violent robberies, the source said.
The source said French investigators now believe this was in all likelihood a terrorist attack. They believe there was just one attacker, and the danger is likely over, the source said.
ISIS issued a statement saying an Islamic State "fighter" carried out the attack. The ISIS claim comes via a statement released by the group's media wing, Amaq."

My favorite MAGA supporter YouTube video!

Brave legal immigrant confronts a Bronx native after being taunted by him.

Legal Latino Heat YouTube channel.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Has denseness become us?

Minors don't migrate unaccompanied. They travel with parents/families.  THOSE are the ones we need to "keep out" and vet extensively, since we cannot read minds and we cannot take the kids' "guardian's" word for truth. Are we that dense that we cannot see that? Even though we want to believe that there is good in people, it doesn't exactly work that way.  Also, we have seen already that terrorist groups HAVE USED KIDS as a tool to do their bidding. Sad, but true.

"Hillary isn’t interested in truly helping Syrian refugees – or at least her party isn’t. They’re interested in using them as a political football after having presided over the complete breakdown in Syria, an impact of their precipitous withdrawal from Iraq, their willingness to treat Syrian dictator Bashar Assad as a “reformer,” their weakness with regard to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, and their pathetic and evil Iran deal. -DailyWire

We need to tend to America FIRST, before we extend charities and efforts to other countries.

Rebels and chemical weapons

"US government officials have claimed that Bashar al-Assad's government used chemical weapons against the citizens of Syria, but according to the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry that may not be the case. According to the findings of the commission, there is evidence that suggests the anti-government rebels in the country are guilty of these allegations. Israel has launched air strikes against the worn torn country in an attempt to stop the movement of weapons allegedly coming in from Iran, but what is really going on the ground? RT's Anastasia Churkina breaks it down." -RTAmerica

Saturday, April 8, 2017

If at first you don't succeed...

... Keep trying.

Back when nobody really cared. When nobody was watching. When people turned a blind eye because God forbid we criticized the first American  black president.  The politicians' "plan" didn't work in 2013... Well, maybe on the second try (2017)? 
"The great investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, in two previous articles in the London Review of Books ("Whose Sarin?" and "The Red Line and the Rat Line") has reported that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse to invade Syria; and Hersh pointed to a report from British intelligence saying that the sarin that was used didn’t come from Assad’s stockpiles. Hersh also said that a secret agreement in 2012 was reached between the Obama Administration and the leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it on Assad so that the US could invade and overthrow Assad." - ZeroHedge

More about Syria here.
Lies about Syria here.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Masters and puppets

Please don't let the "swamp people" make a puppet out of you. Stick to what you PROMISED to those who voted to put you in "power".  Beware of those around you - the wolves in sheep's clothing - having YOU do THEIR bidding. 


More American soldiers do not need to die. 

PLEASE FOCUS ON MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Enough with America getting their hands in other countries' cookie jars. Work on YOUR country. YOUR people. America, your country, the one you vowed to help HEAL needs you FIRST!



Thursday, April 6, 2017


So... Syria is on the headlines again. This time, for chemical bombings at the hands of Assad.

Some people want Trump to take Assad out. Others, want Trump to stay out of it.
Question: If the American powers that be, decide to take Assad out, who's going to stand in his place?

Question: If it is true that ISIS was formed to fight Assad, and that ISIS has been recruiting folks to take Assad out, once he's out, will ISIS take power over Syria?

Question: If ISIS takes Syria, will it's bordering countries be able to fight ISIS' hunger of conquering land and thirst for power?

Question: If ISIS' neighboring countries don't have the power to stop ISIS from taking over their countries, will they ever stop them? Can anybody?

Russia Questions: Where does Russia fit in all of this? Russia and Syria (Assad) are allied. If the US intervenes and takes Assad out, will that anger Russia? What then?

So many questions... No real answers.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Hidden agendas

"What makes her statement so powerful is that she’s not looking for a payout," said ABC News Chief Legal Analyst Dan Abrams. "So the argument that O’Reilly and his supporters have been making, which is everyone is looking for a buck, well, apparently, that’s not what she’s looking for."  ABC News


Walsh didn’t come forward about her alleged harassment - which took place approximately FOUR YEARS AGO, but comes forward with this story now, in exchange for “nothing”? Yeah, nothing except to possibly discredit a network and a a team of people that are "Administration-Friendly" and the people that speak up about the ridiculous things that are happening in our world.

I’m all about standing up for yourself, especially if you are a woman, but IF WHAT HAPPENED WASN’T ENOUGH OF A BIG DEAL (FOR THE INDIVIDUAL) TO COME OUT WITH HIS/HER STORY WHEN IT HAPPENED (or maybe a year after it happened), and somehow she/he suddenly finds it in her/his heart to share what “happened” to them now… I mean, I MUST TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THAT THESE “SECRETS” MIGHT HAVE BEEN “REVEALED” FOR POLITICAL REASONS.

If this is the case, the women coming forward with these allegations, only weaken future claims from women that are legitimately affected by any type of harassment and sexual assault at the hands of a predator.  It is a sad day for me when I distrust women’s intentions regarding “sexual assault” and “sexual harassment” in the workplace.  That’s the world I live in. A world full of hidden agendas.

Speaking of "hidden agendas," I can't help but think that "the buck” these women might be looking for is to just simply discredit the media that’s questions “the “Liberals” and the “Virtue Signalists'” motives. Lets be real here, not all "payment" or "reward" comes in the form of money.

Let me be clear that I am not saying that the “sexual harassment” acts didn’t happen, but I am also not saying they did, because I don’t know. No proof has been shown... yet. It’s just the word of humans against other humans. And, as we all have seen, and very well know, humans LIE - and women are not exempt from this, we ARE human after all. Show me proof and I will get on the bandwagon (like the famous “Locker room talk” tape.) You have no proof? Then it never happened. Innocent until proven guilty, people. That’s what the law states. Innocent until proven guilty. So, until some proof comes out of the woodwork, I believe no-one in this circus.

A question remains in my head, will other women come forward with claims of harassment stemming from CNN/NBC/ABC/etc. employees? Or are the people employed by these news companies’ angels on earth? I’m betting the only news channel that will get hit with this type of claims are the ones “fighting” Liberalism.

Monday, April 3, 2017


I HAVE NEVER ALLOWED ANYBODY DICTATE how I should act, how I should speak, what I should wear, who I should praise, or even which flag to wave “BASED ON WHERE I WAS BORN,” and the preconceived notions of people outside of my “circle,” or anybody at all for that matter. 

I am from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, but that does NOT mean that I must agree with ALL Puerto Ricans. I am Hispanic, but that does NOT mean I must wave my country’s flag at all times (I rarely do). I am Hispanic, but that does NOT mean that I must speak a certain way, dress a certain way, gesticulate/move my body a certain way, or that I MUST agree in “all things Hispanic” regarding current issues. I REJECT the misconceptions of anybody that comes to me and says “I would think you would be against that BECAUSE YOU ARE HISPANIC.” To you, I say, SHAME ON YOU for thinking that because of "where I come from” I should be/think a certain way, or get in the cozy box you have made for me to dwell in. I WILL NOT, and do not have to conform to your defined “Hispanic standards” or “identity politics.” 

I am a woman (not a feminist)… I reside in the United States of America (but I am native of another land)… Most importantly of all, I AM FREE! and for as long as I live, and so long the law provides, I will exercise my First Amendment Right. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AS AN INDIVIDUAL, NOT AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF A TRIBE. I raise against the ignorant that speaks about my Puerto Rico without properly educating him/herself about whatever issue is at hand. But I also raise against the ignorant that is mindless and reckless about issues that might affect the country I reside in (USA), and by default my family’s lives, my friends' lives, and my own. 

#Thoughts #FreedomOfSpeech #USConstitution #FirstAmendment #ClosedBorders #ExtremeVetting #SecureBorders

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Wow... Maher shocks me again! 

Kudos for calling bullshit when you see it. It was great to witness the whiny baby wearing the "tantrumish labeled" t-shirt, EAT... HER... SHIT!

"This is why the Democrats lost the election in the first place, because they cannot get their priorities straight," Maher says. "They never fail to take the bait on little bullshit issues." - YouTube Video (below)

Tucker Carlson Tonight

George Ciccariello-Maher, a Drexel University professor (the "man on the right" - of the TV screen that is), "SAID HE WANTED TO 'VOMIT' AFTER HE SAW AN AIRLINE PASSENGER GIVE THEIR FIRST-CLASS SEAT TO A U.S. SOLDIER". "Why is it bad to give them a first-class seat?" Tucker asked. "SOMEBODY'S TRYING TO BE NICE TO GUY WHO'S GOING THROUGH ALL THESE HARDSHIPS ... AND THAT MAKES YOU MAD. Why?"
- FoxNews

Just watched this on TV (DVR) forgetting that there was a 13 year old in the house. His father asks him, "Do you like Tucker?" And the kid replies, "I've never heard of him, but that man on the right sounds really stupid." Yeaps... This professor's BULLSHIT sounds STUPID to a THIRTEEN year old. 😁. I'm proud of this kid! #ThereIsHope

Also, last year, this rotten brain retard, and DARE I CALL RACIST FUCK - wished (on Twitter) for WHITE GENOCIDE (yes, mass murder of white people) as "all he wanted for Christmas," last year on Twitter. Yes... Yes, you read that correctly.

He later "explained" that his tweet was "satire," but lets think about this for a minute... Would this be a "laughing matter" if this idiot would have said "black" or "jewish" or hell, why not "muslim" instead of "white"? Why did he get away with this? Why did he not get in any kind of REAL trouble, as he would have had he targeted any other group (instead of white people)?