Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Hidden agendas

"What makes her statement so powerful is that she’s not looking for a payout," said ABC News Chief Legal Analyst Dan Abrams. "So the argument that O’Reilly and his supporters have been making, which is everyone is looking for a buck, well, apparently, that’s not what she’s looking for."  ABC News


Walsh didn’t come forward about her alleged harassment - which took place approximately FOUR YEARS AGO, but comes forward with this story now, in exchange for “nothing”? Yeah, nothing except to possibly discredit a network and a a team of people that are "Administration-Friendly" and the people that speak up about the ridiculous things that are happening in our world.

I’m all about standing up for yourself, especially if you are a woman, but IF WHAT HAPPENED WASN’T ENOUGH OF A BIG DEAL (FOR THE INDIVIDUAL) TO COME OUT WITH HIS/HER STORY WHEN IT HAPPENED (or maybe a year after it happened), and somehow she/he suddenly finds it in her/his heart to share what “happened” to them now… I mean, I MUST TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THAT THESE “SECRETS” MIGHT HAVE BEEN “REVEALED” FOR POLITICAL REASONS.

If this is the case, the women coming forward with these allegations, only weaken future claims from women that are legitimately affected by any type of harassment and sexual assault at the hands of a predator.  It is a sad day for me when I distrust women’s intentions regarding “sexual assault” and “sexual harassment” in the workplace.  That’s the world I live in. A world full of hidden agendas.

Speaking of "hidden agendas," I can't help but think that "the buck” these women might be looking for is to just simply discredit the media that’s questions “the “Liberals” and the “Virtue Signalists'” motives. Lets be real here, not all "payment" or "reward" comes in the form of money.

Let me be clear that I am not saying that the “sexual harassment” acts didn’t happen, but I am also not saying they did, because I don’t know. No proof has been shown... yet. It’s just the word of humans against other humans. And, as we all have seen, and very well know, humans LIE - and women are not exempt from this, we ARE human after all. Show me proof and I will get on the bandwagon (like the famous “Locker room talk” tape.) You have no proof? Then it never happened. Innocent until proven guilty, people. That’s what the law states. Innocent until proven guilty. So, until some proof comes out of the woodwork, I believe no-one in this circus.

A question remains in my head, will other women come forward with claims of harassment stemming from CNN/NBC/ABC/etc. employees? Or are the people employed by these news companies’ angels on earth? I’m betting the only news channel that will get hit with this type of claims are the ones “fighting” Liberalism.

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