Monday, April 3, 2017


I HAVE NEVER ALLOWED ANYBODY DICTATE how I should act, how I should speak, what I should wear, who I should praise, or even which flag to wave “BASED ON WHERE I WAS BORN,” and the preconceived notions of people outside of my “circle,” or anybody at all for that matter. 

I am from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, but that does NOT mean that I must agree with ALL Puerto Ricans. I am Hispanic, but that does NOT mean I must wave my country’s flag at all times (I rarely do). I am Hispanic, but that does NOT mean that I must speak a certain way, dress a certain way, gesticulate/move my body a certain way, or that I MUST agree in “all things Hispanic” regarding current issues. I REJECT the misconceptions of anybody that comes to me and says “I would think you would be against that BECAUSE YOU ARE HISPANIC.” To you, I say, SHAME ON YOU for thinking that because of "where I come from” I should be/think a certain way, or get in the cozy box you have made for me to dwell in. I WILL NOT, and do not have to conform to your defined “Hispanic standards” or “identity politics.” 

I am a woman (not a feminist)… I reside in the United States of America (but I am native of another land)… Most importantly of all, I AM FREE! and for as long as I live, and so long the law provides, I will exercise my First Amendment Right. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AS AN INDIVIDUAL, NOT AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF A TRIBE. I raise against the ignorant that speaks about my Puerto Rico without properly educating him/herself about whatever issue is at hand. But I also raise against the ignorant that is mindless and reckless about issues that might affect the country I reside in (USA), and by default my family’s lives, my friends' lives, and my own. 

#Thoughts #FreedomOfSpeech #USConstitution #FirstAmendment #ClosedBorders #ExtremeVetting #SecureBorders

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