Sunday, April 2, 2017

Tucker Carlson Tonight

George Ciccariello-Maher, a Drexel University professor (the "man on the right" - of the TV screen that is), "SAID HE WANTED TO 'VOMIT' AFTER HE SAW AN AIRLINE PASSENGER GIVE THEIR FIRST-CLASS SEAT TO A U.S. SOLDIER". "Why is it bad to give them a first-class seat?" Tucker asked. "SOMEBODY'S TRYING TO BE NICE TO GUY WHO'S GOING THROUGH ALL THESE HARDSHIPS ... AND THAT MAKES YOU MAD. Why?"
- FoxNews

Just watched this on TV (DVR) forgetting that there was a 13 year old in the house. His father asks him, "Do you like Tucker?" And the kid replies, "I've never heard of him, but that man on the right sounds really stupid." Yeaps... This professor's BULLSHIT sounds STUPID to a THIRTEEN year old. 😁. I'm proud of this kid! #ThereIsHope

Also, last year, this rotten brain retard, and DARE I CALL RACIST FUCK - wished (on Twitter) for WHITE GENOCIDE (yes, mass murder of white people) as "all he wanted for Christmas," last year on Twitter. Yes... Yes, you read that correctly.

He later "explained" that his tweet was "satire," but lets think about this for a minute... Would this be a "laughing matter" if this idiot would have said "black" or "jewish" or hell, why not "muslim" instead of "white"? Why did he get away with this? Why did he not get in any kind of REAL trouble, as he would have had he targeted any other group (instead of white people)?

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